Motherhood and entrepreneurship – Mompreneurs spill the beans on successfully juggling both
Can women have it all?
A question that has been oft discussed and debated upon at various forums. YourStory spoke to five successful mompreneurs who have mastered the art of balancing family, business, and self. Here’s how they did it and their thoughts about mompreneurs.
Ratna Chadha – Chief Executive of TIRUN Travel Marketing

With over 35 years of experience in the travel industry, this mompreneur, a mother of two children, is now also donning the hat of a granpreneur! Prior to starting up Tirun Travel Marketing along with her husband, Gautam Chadha, Ratna worked with various leading travel brands. The company focuses exclusively on cruise vacations within the umbrella of Royal Caribbean cruises Ltd. As The Chief Executive of TIRUN Travel Marketing, she has been at the helm of introducing various global travel products and pioneered the concept of cruise vacations in India over the past two decades.
Her tips for becoming a successful mompreneur:
“Don’t compromise on the time you spend with your children in their formative years, for these are crucial times when they actually imbibe things. I got through with family support and couldn’t have made it without them”
Mohita Indrayan – Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of 612 League

Mohita Indrayan, Co-founder of 612 League, is a firm supporter of the cause of ‘save the girl child’. A mother of two daughters herself, Mohita may not be formally involved with any social organisation, but tries to do her bit through her clothing range – 612 League – to take this message forward. Her husband Manu is also a business partner. 612 League is an award-winning clothing brand focusing on children from three months to 12 years. Juggling with a hectic schedule doesn’t stop Mohita from practicing Kathak, reading fiction, and staying connected with her loved ones.
Her tips for becoming a successful mompreneur:
“Planning is key! Plan your day and make sure it is in sync with your child’s timetable. My older daughter was averse to the idea of me having to go to work every day. She always compared me to other moms who spent more time with their children. All it took was discussion and dialogue to help her understand. Dinner time is when the entire family sits down together and talk. Don’t feel guilty, it is okay to be not able to do everything. “
Manisha Chopra – Co-founder of Seasoul Cosmeceuticals

This mompreneur, who is a mother of two, has donned many hats. Her aptitude as an engineer, combined with her study of chemistry and mathematics, have been value ads to her passion for cosmetics, which further culminated into a venture that offers a range of skincare products made from sea salt, mud, and minerals and is free of harmful chemicals. Manisha is the Co-founder of SeaSoul Cosmeceuticals, which she started in 2012, a name she chose to denote the range’s inherent qualities of ‘pure’ and ‘untouched.’ She also speaks at reputed beauty and fashion retail related events, and has won several accolades so far, and one of them being the ‘Cosmetic Treatment Player of the Year 2015’ award from the Indian Salon Congress.
Her tips for becoming a successful mompreneur:
“I consider myself to be really fortunate because my choice children consider SeaSoul to be their third sibling. That is because of the unconditional love they see in me for my enterprise. Follow your passion and don’t get enamored by numbers. You will not be able to do everything, accept that. “
Geetanjali Khanna – Co-founder of Fastudent

After a successful corporate stint, this mompreneur started her entrepreneurial journey when her child was barely a year old. Geetanjali Khanna is the co-founder and COO of Fastudent, a DIY education ecommerce portal. An engineer by education, Geetanjali is a veteran in the retail industry with over nine years of experience.
Her tips for becoming a successful mompreneur:
“I have had the most exciting journey as a mompreneur because it was like bringing up twins. My one year old and the venture, both required my time, love, and attention in equal amounts. I managed because of a strong support system and my dedication to fitness. I would like to request all entrepreneurs, not just mompreneurs, to take extra care of their health. If you love what you do, you will be able to unleash your hidden superpowers which you didn’t even know you possessed.”
5) Shalini Vij – Founder of Hang Out

Shalini Vij was a young mother when she moved to India from the United States. Around the same time she was also diagnosed with rheumatoid and lupus, ailments which are both treatable and can be kept in remission with medications but are incurable autoimmune diseases. Little did she know that a move meant to bring her closer to family would lead to her embarking on a new journey of entrepreneurship. A mother of two, Shalini set up Hang Out, a comprehensive centre for family fun in Delhi. Hang Out as the name suggests is a Family Hang Out that promotes family interaction and understands the sibling age preferences of entertainment and family needs as a whole, catering from toddlers to tweens, parents to grandparents.
Her tips for becoming a successful mompreneur:
“Never feel guilty because you are doing the best job to the best of your abilities, both at home and at work. Convert the guilt into your strength by your actions, rather than thinking and fretting that you are unable to take as much time out. Make a special effort to spend quality time with your children. Look from their eyes, they see a super mom who they will in time respect for all her juggles and the misses too. You are instilling confidence in them teaching, them to be responsible and independent. Feel good about the path you have chosen of being a working mom that brings out the women in you as you are.”
If they can, you can too! Go conquer the world!