Solar equipment installation and repair using mobile app, connects user with the nearest Surya Mitra
The Indian government will soon launch a mobile application to enable consumers to get trained technicians for installation and maintenance of rooftop solar power generators, heaters and cookers.

The application will be GPS enabled and connect the consumers to the nearest trained technician (Surya Mitras) available in his area for installation and maintenance of solar equipment.
"There will be a mobile application to connect trained technicians with consumer of solar equipment. We are working on it and it will be launched in next three months time," New and Renewable Energy Secretary Upendra Tripathy said at launch of Green Jobs Sector Skill Council and Surya Mitra Initiative organised by CII in New Delhi.
Tripathy said that government has allocated Rs 220 crore to train 50,000 technicians in next three years to increase penetration of solar energy in the country. At present, there are around 10,000 such technicians or plumbers available who can provide services of installation and maintenance of solar energy equipment.
"The renewable energy sector is estimated to generate two million green jobs in the next decade. There is an urgent need to create a pool of appropriately trained manpower which could accelerate India?s efforts to go green," he added.
Tripathy said that a large number of people do not ask for subsidies while buying solar equipment these days. However he admitted that as much as Rs 3,000 crore subsidy is pending with the government for purchase of renewable energy equipment. He informed that as much as 15,000 MW of renewable energy projects are expected to be tendered this fiscal. He expressed hope that the renewable energy sector would get big boost after the Supreme Court upheld green obligation.
Under the Renewable Energy Obligation (REO), the power consumers (states, discoms) are required to buy power generated from these sources or buy renewable energy certificates from the producers.
According to PTI, the Green Jobs Sector Skill Council which is an initiative of CII, Skill Development Ministry and New & Renewable Energy Ministry, is expected to bridge the gap in trained manpower in the sector.
The Sector Skill Council for Green Jobs (SSCGJ) will draw up job roles, train 1500 Trainers, accredit 60 training organisations in the sector and certify 10.60 lakh students in the first year of its operations. Over the next decade, the Council will work towards creating a comprehensive skill development plan to be executed in phases spread over 10 years each.
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