Fun at work for entrepreneur Ritika Nangia
It was her brother-in-law’s child’s birthday party that made her sit up and take note. He wanted her to help him out with the purchase of cheap but good props and accessories to be worn at the birthday party . They did manage to get those items but at five times the regular price from a nearby shop.
That is what I kept thinking on my way back, parties are no more fun. Its all about giving the host a tough time by burning a big hole in their pockets. So when I started, my tagline was simple – everyone must party without being stressed out about the huge money spent,
says Ritika Nangia, founder of, India’s largest online store for party supplies.

So no more running around to find party supplies for a kid’s party, bachelorette party, baby showers or theme parties. Just sit in front of your laptop and order from over 2,000 products in hardly any time. The average price of an item is Rs 100 here and Funcart has its own inventory too, something which enables them to always be ready with the product to dispatch.
The desire to start up
Ritika says she was born with an inherent desire to start up. Hailing from an exporter business family, where she has seen both her parents work, Ritika is particularly proud of her mother, who she has seen, work very hard to contribute in the family export business and also take excellent care of the family. “It is she who has inculcated in me the desire to do something on my own.
It was but natural for Ritika to get into the family business where she stayed put for five years.
“Working closely with my dad, I learnt a few basic lessons. He taught me the value of discipline and planned work. As I worked with foreign clients, I realized that the need is to be specific and clear with dates, commitments and products. So today I am a meticulous individual,” says Ritika.
The birth of the fun venture
Ritika got married last year to chartered accountant Suraj Nangia and unlike a typical professional, they were interested in partying hard and when parties had to be organized, they would usually be at their wits end to get the right party supplies at an affordable price.
“I started exploring ideas for my own venture and then thought of starting up an online party supplies store,” says Ritika. That is how Funcart was born in the year 2014.

Ritika did her Bachelors in Commerce from Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University followed by a Masters programme in Fashion Management (M.F.M) from National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), New Delhi.
For specialization in International Business & Strategic Management, she went to Harvard University, Boston to get a certificate in these courses. In her college days, Ritika would organize entrepreneurial fests and held leadership positions throughout her academic career. Even in Harvard, Ritika was the only Indian nominated to be on the cover page of Harvard’s prospectus.
Her role models
Ritika’s role models are her parents. She is particularly fond of her father and father-in-law, both of whom are self-made men, says Ritika. “I am proud of both of them as it is their hard work and dedication alone which has taken them to the height where they are today. Also my mother and mother-in-law who have been pillars of strength and motivation to the men in the family,” says Ritika.
Her motivation
The feedback Ritika gets from family, customers and friends keeps her motivated. Being a start-up, she did have her fair share of problems, but with the immense support of people around her, this young entrepreneur feels motivated to do even better.
Ritika sees her business growing in the next few years with a huge internet penetration in Tier 2 and 3 cities. With a vision to make it India’s largest online party supplies company, Ritika feels motivated to work towards her goal.
Travelling and exploring new places across the globe is her passion too. She does take short breaks to energize herself and come back more productive at work. Swimming is another activity which relaxes her.