15 quotes from Awesome Startup Employees that show why working for a startup is a great idea
Did you read the Awesome Startup Employee stories that show why working for startups is a great idea?
More and more people are joining startups today. What is so great about working for a startup? Some of the responses we have received over the years include – ‘building something with a small team is the beauty of a startup,’ ‘startups are a great place to grow, the learning never ends, I love the challenge, I love the chance to innovate and create.’
Startups are buzzing with activity and teeming with individuals who are driven by passion to innovate and create. This series celebrates the awesome employees who make a difference at their respective workplace through their stories. Nominate your Awesome Startup Employee today! Fill the form here.

Why work at a startup?
“Working for a startup is not for the faint hearted. If you’re looking to work 40 hours a week, draw a salary at the end of month, feel settled and work in a calm atmosphere, then startups are not for you. It is for those who’re ready to give their best and push their limits; for those who don’t shy away from hard work and are looking to never stop learning,” said Ismathullah Aman from Foradian Technologies.
When the Founder of Citrus Pay (during their first meeting), asked Deepak Dhar, “Why a startup?” Deepak’s reply to this question was, “The usual simple reason; I want my contribution to matter. At most big places you are just another brick in the wall.”
Aadhar Agarwal of Paytm believes that, “there are just so many days one is going to live and if during the days you are alive if someone trusts you and allows you to chase your dreams, you really cannot ask for more.”
Vrinda Pandey of Mast Kalandar said, “We cry on each other’s shoulders, party with each other, and share customer complaints and cry to each other about it. Having a strong core team helps in keeping us steady and performing well.”
Vidit Jain of ShopClues said about working at a startup, “A startup is the place to be. If I had joined any of the big companies I would not have gotten so many opportunities. There is a huge difference between the opportunities I am getting here compared to the ones I was getting in my last company.”
“I would definitely recommend startups to people. It is only at startups that you have ample scope to explore your talent. Your role is not just limited to your work. There is no boundary to your reach. Also, only in a startup do you get to see the end to end process, as you are involved in the making of the process. This clear understanding you get only in startups. All this obviously results in a bonding which is beyond office and working hours; you feel connected with the company and the people,” said Raghu Kolath of FabFurnish.
Important moments
Remember Mahesh Muraleedharan talking about being the first employee at Uber Bangalore - “Being the first employee of Uber India was nothing short of an adrenaline packed amusement ride. I was immediately thrown into the business where I was running analytics, managing partner relations and economics. This is really a one of a kind business – there aren’t too many companies that describe themselves as ‘a logistics business with a consumer-facing brand that’s disrupting the transportation industry’.”
“I promised my founders that I would get the first international customer and I’m glad I was able to fulfill that. Today, we have not one, but many international customers. Though this may not be the defining moment of my life but it definitely is my best at FrontalRain,” said Sravanth B.
Insights on team building
Piyush Goel of Capillary Technologies said, “The team forms the core of a startup. Team building gets to be important. You have to ensure that the team is strong and works well. You have to be there for each other. You have to support each other and appreciate the efforts of each other at all times.” The best way to keep a team motivated and pepped up is to lead by example.
Digbijoy Shukla of Ennovent said, “The challenge has been building the team and finding people of the same mindset who share a common vision and are willing to work at a lesser pay. Also, you are on a discounted salary and that is part of a startup environment. You have to learn to ride the lean period for it won’t last forever.”
“Colleagues complement each other and come around to share responsibilities when on some occasion you have to be away from work for personal reasons. Moreover we have a very vibrant social life in office which helps us feel comfortable spending long hours at work,” added RohitAgarwal of Housing.
On being a leader
Razia Begum of Stayzillasays,“Being a leader requires the ability to understand your team. Only when you understand them will you be able to see what makes them tick so as to get the maximum out of them and enable them to grow.”
Work Culture
Nandini Vishwanath from Urban Ladder said, “When I joined, one thing that the founders said stuck with me and that is, ‘be nice to the customer! However difficult they may be; perhaps they are having a bad day for various reasons. At Urban Ladder, we should ensure that we are not one of those reasons. We should not add to their woes.’ Till today I follow this principle.”
Nruthya Keshavan said about the work culture at Exotel, “The system works in such a manner that we can just pack our bags and take off for a few days!”
Great startups are possible only when passionate teams get together to make things happen. They value the opportunity to collaborate with passionate entrepreneurs and create something valuable.
A powerful story can change the world. Help us share the story of your early team member or individuals who have performed exceptionally since day one. Entrepreneurs, without any further ado, nominate your awesome employees here.