[YS quiz] Who is India’s king of gaming?
Welcome to the seventh edition of the YourStory quiz. Winners for the last quiz have been announced. This quiz has been prepared in partnership with Walnut Knowledge Solutions.

1. From the world of technology, where would you come across something that resembles a mountain bluebird with a dash of hummingbird thrown in?
Answer: The Twitter Bird at Twitter
Did you know?
The Twitter Bird was previous known as Larry the Bird.
2. The Carbon War Room is an international think tank working on issues regarding market-based solutions to climate change. Name the businessman who founded it.

Answer: Richard Branson
3. As a part of the recent Sony Pictures Entertainment hack, emails of CEO Michael Lynton were also leaked. Michael sits on the board of which tech start-up, whose future business plans were inadvertently made public through the email leak?
Answer: Snapchat
4. Connect the two companies to a person who was once referred to as ‘India's king of gaming’:

Answer: Vishal Gondal
Read more about his current venture GOQii:
5. Connect:
- Oxford Dictionaries: vape
- Chambers Dictionary: overshare
- Dictionary.com: exposure
- Collins Dictionary: photobomb
Answer: Words of the year 2014, selected by respective dictionaries.
6. Which American company with owl’s eyes in its logo, has been recently fined 500,000 Euros by the Italian Competition Authority for not doing enough to prevent false reviews on its site?
Answer: TripAdvisor
7. Which company released the following apps in 2014?

Answer: Facebook
Read more about it here:
8. As seen in the image, which company utilised camels to gather data for one of the services it offers?

Answer: Google for its Street View service, at the Liwa desert.
Walnut Knowledge Solutions (www.walnuts.co.in) is a Bangalore-based organisation founded by two lawyers, Raghav Chakravarthy and Sachin Ravi, focused on quizzing and the use of knowledge-based tools for engagement, learning, and development. In short, they conduct quizzes across topics and platforms, pursue teaching initiatives at schools, engage brand/employees through quiz-based events and develop content (for apps, websites and other visual mediums).