4th YourStory Quiz, did you answer them all?
This saturday we bring you the fourth installment of YourStory quiz. Winners for the last quiz have been announced. This quiz has been prepared in partnership with Walnut Knowledge Solutions. Take a shot at it and send us your answers in the form at the bottom. The quiz is open until Friday and we’ll announce the winners on Saturday. And yes, there is a prize for the winner who we’ll select through a lucky draw of all the correct answers.
The winner of the Nov. 29 quiz is Aruna Kumari. Congratulations Aruna, you will receive your prize shortly.Click here for the answers of Nov 29 quiz.

1. Garages in Silicon Valley have usually served as ideal breeding grounds for successful tech companies. However, the co-founder of a very famous company recently stated that:
“The garage is a bit of a myth. We did no designs there, no breadboarding, no prototyping, no planning of products. We did no manufacturing there. The garage didn’t serve much purpose, except it was something for us to feel was our home. We had no money. You have to work out of your home when you have no money.”
Which company is this, whose garage was recently designated as an historic site?
Answer: Apple. Steve Wozniak made this recent admission.
Read more about where Indian start-ups started things off: http://yourstory.com/2014/11/indian-startups-from-apartments/
2. This product was previously branded under the name Hong__. When first launched, supply was limited to 50,000 units for China and 10,000 units for Hong Kong. How do we better know it in India?
Answer: Redmi from Xiaomi. It was marketed as Hongmi in China
3. Connect the two personalities to an Internet company.

Answer: Go Daddy.MithunChakraborty& Jean-Claude Van Damme have appeared in advertisments for Go Daddy, in different geographies.
Watch the ads here:
Mithun Da: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSVOBHUfbH0
Van Damme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_YneSM0ItA
4. The Clock of the Long Now, also called the 10,000-year clock, is a proposed mechanical clock designed to keep time for 10,000 years. The manufacture and site construction of the first full-scale prototype clock situated at Texas, is being funded by which entrepreneur, who has donated $42 million for this pursuit?

Answer: Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon Inc.
5. Connect to a surname:

Answer: Bansal. These are some of the investments made by Sachin and Billy Bansal (jointly & independently). They recently made an investment in Chennai-based start-up Ather.
Read more at:
6. What was considered to be first deployed in U.S. by San Francisco lawyer and economist Louis O.Kelso (pictured), which is widely followed by companies around the world? In 1956, it was first deployed as a way to effect the transition of ownership of Peninsula Newspapers, Inc. from its two founders to their chosen successors, the managers and employees.

Answer: Employee Stock Options (ESOP)
Read more about ESOPs here:
7. The idea for this start-up was born when David Back mentioned his passion for collaborative consumption to Greg Moran and suggested that they explore opportunities to take the Zipcar business model to a developing economy. Identify this Bangalore-based start-up that has received funding from the likes of Sequoia Capital, and former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, among others.
Answer: Zoomcar
Did you know?
Greg was working on renewable energy development in India and immediately jumped on the idea. After over one year of planning, both dropped out of MBA programs, giving up full scholarships - Greg at USC in Los Angeles and David at Cambridge in the United Kingdom.
8. Seen here pictured with Jan Koum (right), identify the person to the left who, as per his LinkedIn profile is ‘all things business at WhatsApp!’ or the “Business Guy’ at WhatsApp.

Answer: Neeraj Arora
Did you know?
Neeraj owns more than 1% of WhatsApp. After the Facebook deal, his stake would now be worth more than $150 million. As per a Wall Street Journal article, he is a business-development & marketing executive, human-resources head and publicist, all rolled into one.
Walnut Knowledge Solutions (www.walnuts.co.in) is a Bangalore-based organisation founded by two lawyers, Raghav Chakravarthy and Sachin Ravi, focused on quizzing and the use of knowledge-based tools for engagement, learning, and development. In short, they conduct quizzes across topics and platforms, pursue teaching initiatives at schools, engage brand/employees through quiz-based events and develop content (for apps, websites and other visual mediums).