How to get into Startup Chile, here's an unedited application and Video
Editor's note: Accelerators are coming up across the world each day. It has become significantly easy to get a technology business with support in terms of finance, mentorship and network easily available. Startup Chile is on well known Acccelerators that offers valuable perks like 12 months VISA to stay in Chile, $40,000 equity free grant, office space, mentorship, etc… AppVirality recently got into the accelerator as a part of their 11th batch and they have shared their application for the audience at large.

Keep everything simple and crisp. Try to given examples wherever possible and try to avoid jargons.
Public Description? App Virality is a Growth Hacking Toolkit for Mobile Apps that helps businesses to identify and implement the right growth hacks with no coding required.
What is the problem you are solving? If we look at the mobile focused businesses, few companies are growing organically by implementing simple techniques like incentivizing customers to share buying experience, Referral rewards, Social pay, Sweepstakes, etc.. Companies like Dropbox, Uber, etc achieved more than 60% of their initial growth by implementing these techniques. But when it comes to other companies, most of them ignore the fact that growth hacking could help them grow organically. Because it takes lot of time and money to identify and implement those techniques. Coding required.
What is your product or service? App Virality is a Growth Hacking Toolkit For Mobile Apps that helps businesses to identify and implement the right growth hacks with no coding required. Simple SDK integration and a Dashboard to rule everything. A/B testing and In-depth analytics help businesses figure whats working best and whats not working. Including geographies and user segmentation targeting, etc. What you configure and see on dashboard is what your users get to see on their mobile screens. App Virality can help boost 1) App downloads 2) Lead generation 3) Customer retention 4) User engagement 5) Social media buzz & branding 6) In-app surveys / polls / reviews / ratings 7) Identify top influencers and much more
Who are you selling your product/service to? As our initial target, we are focusing on B2C Android apps looking to implement growth hacking techniques to grow organically. We are global and no restrctions on geographies. Currently we are in private beta live on few apps and validated the need of this solution in market. Soon we will be going live on 180+ apps registered with us, these apps include India’s top m-commerce apps. We generated all these leads just through awesome and useful growt hacking articles on App Virality official blog. Android market itself is very huge with million plus apps on play store, in the coming 12 months we wanted to expand our solution to iOS and Windows as well. Over all it’s a huge market to capture.
Who are your competitors and how are you different? All our potential competitors either focus on web or offer one growth hack as part of their solution, but there is nothing like App Virality which offers extensive set of growth hacks build-in (Adding more every month), with a recommendation engine to identify the right growth hack for every business and implement with no coding required. Our strong technology allows businesses to run the growth hacks even in rotation based or location based too. For example users in USA see one growth hack and users in India get to see different growth hack. We have an early move advantage along with strong team backed by Microsoft ventures accelerator.
How does or will your startup make money? How would your revenue model scale? We are in private beta at the moment live on few apps and with mind boggling results. Soon we will be going live on 180+ apps signed up with us so far. We believe a great service like App Virality should be made available for everyone, so its free forever for apps with 0 to 10,000 MAU's (Monthly Active Users), and $2/1,000 MAU's from then on. Its a monthly subscription.
Why are you and your team members the perfect team to lead this startup? We are a lean startup of 3 members with a combined experience of 24 Years in building successful startups and working at fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Oracle, Infosys and startups. We together built 2 successful startups and had exits before teaming up again to build App Virality. We are backed by Microsoft Ventures accelerator and mentors like Mr. Mohit Saxena (Co-founder & CTO of InMobi), Mr. Shyamal Mehta (CEO of TechJini). At App Virality, we are a perfect and strong team with complementary skills and experience of building successful startups with world class mentors.
What are the main uncertainties associated with your startup? The trend of social media and app store.
Try to keep the duration of video under 2:30 minutes. Here are few tips you might want to consider while shooting
- Try making a drama to explain your product
- Always make the story simple and sweet covering what your product does, how its useful, to whom
- Don’t go in depth into technicalities or importance of your product
- Do cover about your team skills and how you guys can help startup ecosystem in Chile
- Important: Don’t forget to add subtitles, sometimes its really difficult for them to understand what you’re talking about
- Do add your team slide at the beginning of video
- Last but not least, do use noise removal tools to remove the unwanted sounds in the video
Website: Startup Chile