Chennai based Atatus tracks and catches front end errors in real time
Atatus is your typical garage startup where a couple of guys build out a product sitting in their rooms surviving on pizza and cola. I might have taken a few assumptions when I say that but Fizer and Sundar are Chennai based developers who are comfortable giving out their first names only and are not fans of having their photos alongside their product. A two man team at the moment, Atatus is a Frontend JavaScript contextual error tracking service. The owner needs to add two lines of code in their web application or web site and get alerted on the error and how it had occurred in the application in realtime.
A bit complex? In layman terms-
When someone develops a website, they don’t have the bandwidth to test all parts of the site on various browsers to make sure that all the users have the same experience with the website. When issues happen on various browsers, the developers get to know the issue only if the user reports it. And even when the user reports it, not everyone would be able to exactly say what they did which triggered the error.
Atatus jumps in at this critical part. When a developer uses Atatus, they will know whenever a error happens to one of their users in the front end. The developer will know which browser was used, which OS was used and will also know what the user did which triggered the error. With this ability, the developer can make the website robust enough for users and it helps to avoid bad user experience. Atatus also makes sure that all the features that have implemented for the users, really work.
Use case?
Fizer ran their code through YourStory and came up with an error we didn't know of. If we had Atatus, we would have known of the error as soon as it first cropped up. Talking of the target market, Fizer says, "Every website, including enterprise, that wants to avoid bad User Experience and make sure that every feature that was implemented works for all their users. This is a pretty new space and we are showing the value of such product for the tech users."
On the business side, Atatus has a SaaS model. They charge based on the number of times their script is loaded. "The idea behind this is, we want to make sure that your users avoid bad experience and we are constantly monitoring your site for any errors that pops up," says Fizer.
Early Days
The duo at Atatus have just started marketing the tool. Atatus was launched in July with an initial set of 50 customers and did a beta run with them. "We learnt a lot from them. And hence we have added newer features and have released Atatus 2.0 last week," says Fizer. This is an upcoming space with a huge market to go after, Errorception is another such tool created by Mumbai based Rakesh Pai and has already made good headway (Errorception is not contextual). For Atatus, the vision is to be a complete solution for all Frontend issues that happens in real time. "We have started with Error Tracking and want to expand with more features, such as performance monitoring in the near future," says Fizer, probably with a glint in his eye.
Website: Atatus
Update on Feb 17: Atatus now has 150+ customers with 25 paying customers and the founders Fizer Khan and Sundar Vadivel have dropped in a mail saying they're out in the open with their product now.