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Top Jobs of the Day - Kyron, TaxiForSure and foodpanda have openings for you

Top Jobs of the Day - Kyron, TaxiForSure and foodpanda have openings for you

Wednesday July 09, 2014 , 1 min Read



  • is an aggregator of car rentals and taxis in India. The startup, based out of Bangalore, works with various taxi operators and enables them with technology to ensure that customers get an easily accessible, safe, reliable taxi ride ‘for sure’. They are running a awesomeness wizard campaign.
  • As a next generation global accelerator, Kyron aims to disrupt the startup ecosystem through effective mentoring strategies to assure success of selected companies. They select entrepreneurs into our intensive 16 week program and mentor them to successful business enterprises. They have many openings in Bangalore.
  • Foodpanda works like any other online delivery system for food: consumers go online, enter a postal code, then search for cuisine type, price range and restaurants. It’s in execution, size and spread that foodpanda aims to stand out. As of now, more than 22,000 restaurants are registered with foodpanda. They are looking forward to hire you.

You can check out more exciting startups who are waiting to hire passionate people like you at

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