12 powerful quotes from Narendra Modi to kindle the fire of leadership in you
Here are 12 powerful quotes from Narendra Modi which will kindle the fire of leadership in you!
We do not need ACTS but Action.
Once we decide we have to do something, we can go miles ahead.
We are not here for any positions but for a responsibility

A son of a poor man is standing in front of you today. This is the strength of a democracy.
I will make such a wonderful India that all Americans will stand in line to get a visa for India
IT+IT=IT; Indian talent + Information technology = India Tomorrow
It is important how we view the youth of our nation. To simply consider them as new age voters will be a big mistake. They are the new age power.
Each of has a natural instinct to rise like a flame. Lets nurture that instinct
Mind is never a problem. Mindset is
In my life mission is everything.. Even if i was a municipal chairman, I would have worked as hard as a CM
Hard work never brings fatigue. It brings satisfaction
Desire +Stability = Resolution, Resolution +Hard work=success
If you have any more quotes to add to the list , do share them in the comments section below