How can starting up entrepreneurs deal with stress?

If you’re looking at this, you’ve probably quit your job with that established enterprise to start your own business. And you’re realizing that it’s no walk in the park! Starting up means doing a lot of spadework, work below your qualifications; you’re probably employee, boss, cook, odd-job man and PR department rolled into one. Being jack of so many trades can definitely take its toll on your well-being.
‘How-to-deal-with-stress’ articles have been written thousands of times, so what use would this one be if I didn’t put a different spin on things? Specially focused towards starting-up entrepreneurs, with input and suggestions from an experienced mental health professional, this might just help you more than any other article you’ve read.
Time for yourself:
Keep aside at least half an hour a day, come what may, to relax, do whatever YOU want. During this time, don’t let anyone disturb you, or lure the passionate workaholic in you out of its den.
While this may sound hackneyed, don’t knock it till you try it. It honestly helps a lot of people around the world, and if you give it a chance, you may be one of these people. Fitting a couple of minutes of breathing exercises into your schedule shouldn’t be too difficult, no matter how packed your day is. (I wouldn’t know for sure, I’m not an entrepreneur; your schedules could be absolutely crazy! But I’m wagering a guess!)
Delegate responsibilities:
The venture you’re undertaking is probably very dear to you. While you may be overly protective of it, it’s important to remember that you can’t take care of everything. That’s what your team’s there for. Play to their strengths, and yours, in order to maximize the efficiency and potential of your business.
Time management:
What with setting up everything, and making sure things are in order, you probably wish you had thirty hours in a day. Well, you don’t, so you must learn to manage your time. Try out different ways of doing this; write out a schedule for the next day every night, or make a checklist of things that need to be done. Writing things down makes everything clearer. Carry a small diary, or add a note in your phone, every time you remember something that needs doing. If you’re organized,nervous panic won’t set in, and you won’t get stressed!
Financial affairs:
First of all, you have to make sure that you aren’t overspending on setting up your entrepreneurship, and that you’ve allotted enough money to other spheres of your life. Sort out your finances; hire an accountant if necessary. Since I’ve never started my own business, I asked the MD of a newly-started, mid-segment, fifty-bed hospital for tips on how to not let monetary affairs stress you out. In a nutshell, this is what she had to say:
‘Make repaying loans your top priority, and work from there. Also, make sure that all your departments are on the same page, equally informed about the financial status of your venture. Stick to bank deadlines as much as possible, and be aware of the figures at all time, so as to not overspend on things that can wait.’
If money troubles aren’t occupying your brain-space, you will most certainly be able to think better. The feeling of being completely aware of where you stand will make you less tense and more composed.
Don’t let all those things that need to be done take away from your sleep. Make sure you get at least 6-7 hours of sleep every night, and maintain a consistent sleep cycle. Even if your job requires you to be up at odd times, try to sleep and wake up at the same times every day. A sleep deprived person can be cranky and disagreeable, and that’s probably bad for PR! Also, when you’re tired, all your troubles feel magnified, and this can lead to greater stress.
There are many, many reasons as to why stress should be alleviated. The health risks of being constantly stressed out include acidity, which could lead to stomach ulcers and high blood pressure, which could lead to a stroke or a heart attack. Stress can even lead to depression, which can severely impair one’s ability to focus and work.I sincerely hope that this article helps in making your life less stressful!
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-Simran Vatsa