3crumbs and JustMigrate get acquired by JustUnfollow - The other side of the coin
Anirudh Khusape and Siddharth Menon started up back in 2006 while they were still in college. Engineering graduates, the duo formed Borget solutions, which built business products right from the Aviation industry to mobile consumer apps. In 2010, they went mobile-first with their product 3crumbs, a social catalogue of the best things to buy at various places, posted by friends and experts around you. The product is still being fine-tuned to attain the market fit.

While they were juggling with 3crumbs, they had another idea about allowing users to migrate from one platform to another on one click- JustMigrate. It currently allows users to shift Wordpress, Blogger, Flickr, etc. to tumblr and posterous. This service has seen good early adoption. Anirudh has a strong insight in business and consumer space and is usually the idea guy behind products while Siddharth focuses on product growth (specially growth hacks), apart from design and technology.
But in a recent development, Borget Solutions has been acquired by JustUnfollow, a social media management app from Codigami Technologies Pvt. ltd. which has been founded by Nischal Shetty. JustUnfollow is also a TechSpark 2012 winner (here's how entrepreneurs look at startup events). Both the products, especially JustMigrate, fall in line with the vision for JustUnfollow, and finding a synergy in their thought process, the founders decided to merge forces.
"We knew each other from quite some time and discussed a lot of things together. A lot of our thoughts overlapped and we think this is a great outcome for all of us," says Anirudh. Both Anirudh and Siddharth will join the JustUnfollow team. 3crumbs and JustMigrate will remain independent for the time being but will be merged in with time. "We started talking about a month ago and I'm glad that the deal went through," says Nischal. All three of them are also an integral part of the Founder Meet in Mumbai (more on the upcoming Mafia). Talking about the merger, Siddharth said, "I feel there should be more acquisitions and acquhires in India if we (all startupers) want to make it big. Learning and expertise founders bring are just price less."
JustUnfollow has been moving really fast and also touched the 5 million users mark for the product. A 5X growth in one year is significant, especially when a company is bootstrapping. "We're going to go-karting soon to learn how to concentrate while moving at high speeds," says Nischal on a lighter note. The company is on the lookout for great teams and products to consolidate the business as well, so it won't be a big surprise if here more news from the team at JustUnfollow.
Website: 3Crumbs, JustMigrate, JustUnfollow.