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OpenStack India Day 2013

Monday August 26, 2013 , 2 min Read

OpenStack India Day 2013 is around the corner - mark your calendars! OpenStack India User Group is conducting second OpenStack India day on Sept 21, 2013.


 You can register here. It is also to be noted that OpenStack India Day 2012 was well attended and a great hit! Why to attend?

OpenStack is gaining in momentum and popularity, fast becoming great alternative for private cloud implementations. OpenStack usage in India has been growing rapidly, with handful of companies making contributions too (NetApp, Aptira to name a few). OpenStack India User Group is the 3rd largest user group globally, with more than 1400 members. If you are interested in anything related to OpenStack - learning more, meeting other people, talking to OpenStack foundation (1 or 2 OpenStack Foundation members are expected to attend) or just checking things out, you should attend this!

Last but not least, all proceeds are to be donated to a charity (like it was last year)!

What to expect?

While final agenda is to be finalized, it is expected to have OpenStack success stories from India, cool demos and talks. You can expect to have a better picture of OpenStack in India and OpenStack in general.

Who should attend?

Anybody who is interested in OpenStack - students, professionals, current users, contributors. Don't miss, register here!