Smile… you’re on camera! Interview Master is changing the way you give job interviews
Video production & editing by Aghila Alex
Giving an interview is still a big deal for most people, more so if it’s a job interview. At the same time, if you look around on TV today, we see normal people on street talking to video cameras being thrust in their face by news channels with a lot of ease. They are only too excited to be on camera, in most cases. Though Interview Master is using this particular trait(of being comfortable talking to camera) as their main premise for business, they never analysed this pattern or studied this before starting up. They simply started recording video interviews as part of the training they were giving to IIT Bombay students to prepare them for placements.

Sanjoe Tom Jose, Mani Ka, Tom Jose and Jobin are the four co-founders of the venture, who take care of different responsibilities like operations, technology, marketing/sales and client relations respectively. The bootstrapped venture recently received its first round of funding from Venture Nursery and will be raising capital in the future to ramp up its team and expand into different geographies.
Started in June 2011, the startup already has 50 clients across both corporate and colleges. Marine Academy Cochin was one of their earliest college clients. ABB, Wockhardt and Mahesh Tutorials are among their big corporate clients, and they also cater to a large number of SME clients. Sanjoe, CEO & co-founder, Interview Master says that today there corporate versus college breakup would stand at 70:30 ratio.

Interview Master is a SaaS modeled, web application which is used by companies who have bulk recruitment needs and want to screen a large number of candidates, expecially in sectors like IT, BPO and pharma – where the workforce requirement is quite high at the junior level. Interview Master lets you record your video interview and upload it on their site, which can then be accessed at leisure by the employer in their time. There are fixed set of questions asked via the interface to successfully complete first round of evaluation. Candidates who succeed in this round of video interviews are then contacted by companies for the next level of the recruitment process.
Corporates are also using the Interview Master platform to conduct market surveys and research. Colleges on the other hand are using the platform to invite video applications from students interested in joining a course. Time saving and cost efficiency is what the platform offers to both the interviewer and the interviewee.
This startup operates in the estimated Rs 30,000 crore Indian recruitment market and is the first of its kind in India to offer their services.
See this video to understand in depth the motivation to startup, the idea, the platform, challenges and their vision for the future.