The World Entrepreneurship forum to launch the Rural World Entrepreneurship forum in Baramati

The World Entrepreneurship Forum ( is an annual forum founded by EMLYON Business School in France, KPMG S.A., ACE, Nanyang Technical University in Singapore, and Zhejiang University in China. It is a powerful global network of leaders selected for their achievements and commitment to society. Every year, the forum gathers over 250 participants, from 60 countries, willing to join their peers to think, act and transform their environment.This year they have partnered with the Environmental Forum of India headed by Mrs. Sunetra Pawar to launch the first chapter of the Rural World Entrepreneurship Forum in Baramati, India from 4 -6 July, 2013. The theme for the Forum is,‘Entrepreneurship as Economic Force in Rural Development.

The forum promises to showcase a number of experiences in rural and social entrepreneurship that are beginning to deliver on the expected benefits of inclusive economic growth that helps in improving standard of living in rural areas in general and at the bottom of the pyramid in particular. It also plans on showcasing the immense potential of implementing the philosophy of ‘serving the world’s poor, profitably.’ Indian corporations, international NGOs, development agencies, and governments from around the world will jointly explore the topic of inclusive growth.The following topics will be the at the center of most discussions:
Government efforts to promote rural entrepreneurship
Vast potential of rural markets
Business potential at the bottom of the pyramid
Social entrepreneurship
Sector specific rural entrepreneurship
Funding for social enterprises
ICT in rural entrepreneurship
The event will be a learning opportunity for participants allowing them to interact directly with people who are engaged in rural & social entrepreneurship at the grass root level and to learn from them the difference it has made in their lives,meet and interact with individuals and organizations that finance these efforts and learn about new trends via exhibits and demonstration booths.