36% of all BVP deals in India have been in “Power and Infrastructure” Space
Entrepreneurs and everyone else in the startup ecosystem is always curious as to what are the investors looking at. Prognosis is abundant but data is something one can always rely on. Through our series on VC Portfolios on research.yourstory.in powered by our secondary research partners, Outline India, we attempt at giving you information regarding where and how the VCs have been investing in India.
Completely based on public data, these posts tell you which sectors the VC firms have invested in and where these companies are based out of.
The past post on Accel Partners revealed that 70% of their investments are in Bangalore based companies. This time, we analyzed Bessemer Venture Partners and the interesting trend was the fact that “Power and Infrastructure” seems to be their preferred sector of investment.

More on the Bessemer Venture Partners Document here and follow YS Research for such updates and more insights.
Read the Accel Partners document here.