Cubito: Entering the cab pooling business with a new route based algorithm

Travelling in India is often a choice between cost and comfort. Cubito, a young startup provides cab sharing to bring comfort at reduced costs during travel.
Pranay Agarwal, Akhil Singh, Abhishek Nair and Siddharth Khare are the four co-founders of this startup that was co-founded at BITS Goa and is currently incubated under BITS Goa’s technical incubation center.
The cubito team with a few of their cab operators.
Cubito wants to facilitate cheap transport at affordable rates. Cubito pools people sharing the same route (as opposed to the regular source –destination pooling solutions) and arranges for a common cab to transport them. Think of it as your office cab routes, but done dynamically.On entering your travel details, Cubito pools you with people travelling the same route, and messages you driver details and cost of your journey one hour before you leave.
For high density routes you pay a fixed price - roughly 25% of regular fares - independent of the number of people sharing the cab. For low density routes your fare will depend on the number of people sharing the cab with you. If the people you were sharing the cab with don’t turn up you’ll still be paying the amount you were told earlier.
They also offer you free wifi during travel!
Cubito has tied up with 25 dedicated cab operators, and have served over 4000 customers in the past 4 months generating revenue of INR 4 lakhs.They have also finalized deals with a few corporates in Goa like Finolex, Dlink and Smartlink to ferry their employees.
Website: Cubito