ThinkVidya launches a SaaS based management solution for coaching and training institutes

Bangalore based education startup, an online community of individual teachers, tutors and students has announced general availability (GA) of its “ThinkVidya 360” product – a SaaS based offering for coaching institutes for student and trainer management.
Getting good teachers and decent sized batch is of essence for any institute and doing it at scale requires a lot of back-end process coordination, planning and data management. Most of the institutes today use Excel sheets for this - which severely limits efficiency, scaling-up and generating business level insights. aims to solve some of these problems with their new product offering.
Speaking about the launch, Rakesh Kalra, Founder & CEO of ThinkVidya says – “ThinkVidya 360 is a 360° solution for small and medium size institutes (and in future for individual tutors too). It helps institutes in automating their enquiry generation & management, student & trainer management, targeted e-mail marketing and automating student payment management and tracking payments all the way to the bank – all this using a web-based software.” Today, such solutions are available piece-meal and integrating them is a challenge for most Small and Medium Institutes . With ThinkVidya 360, it is available for free with any of our subscription plans. ThinkVidya 360 has been in private beta for the past 6-months and has been used by a number of training institutes in Bangalore in close association with dedicated resources from ThinkVidya team to generate as many use cases and to troubleshoot issues associated with adoption and learning curve of the new product over time.
The key features of ThinkVidya 360 are Enquiry Generation and Management, Centralized monitoring and reporting, Student and Batch Management, Trainer Management, Payment Tracking, SMS Alerts and E-mail marketing. ThinkVidya 360 even allows a Training Institute to hire a trainer from the large network of Teachers on ThinkVidya. has an online community of over 50,000 training providers across India that includes both institutes and individual teachers.
“In our mission to organize the learning industry in India, this is a big step to enable training institutes to become more efficient in delivering their courses to their students” said Rakesh Kalra. “ThinkVidya 360 is a value added service which connects an institute with the learning network.”
For more details check-out their website: