Exotel integrates anti spam feature in their offering by tying up with 'India Against Spam'

Exotel, a cloud telephony startup that offers a phone system on cloud and helps businesses navigate calls and SMSes without having to invest in any infrastructure, has announced a tie up with anti spam App ‘India Against Spam’. India Against Spam is an android application which allows one to report calls and SMS which are promotional in nature to the registered offices in their circles and TRAI.There are similar apps doing the same thing like Phone Warrior and a few others but there’s an interesting story behind this tie up. Deepak Jharodia works post work timings, and develops this application for the Indian consumer. Deepak says it solves the problem rather than the symptoms. "Unlike other apps in the market, which block the number from your phone, IAS reports the spam to the operator, who has the authority to issue warning to the spammer and also to disconnect the number for repeat offences," he says.
Exotel heard about Deepak through a common acquaintance, and IAS seemed perfectly suited to integrate with their business. They met him and realized they wanted to provide all support possible to the product, and the guy behind it. Hence, they went ahead and have integrated the offering.
What Exotel does is essentially re-directs people to the IAS App when someone wishes to report a particular number on their App. The App is currently available to Andriod users, running version 2.1 and above and has more than 1500 active users. Deepak also has plans to include social network integration in the future.
Exotel has raised INR 2.5 crores from Mumbai Angels and Blume Ventures.