YourStory Celebrates the Power of Being Woman

We at YourStory are celebrating women and everything about them. As a runup to Women’s Day, which falls on 8 March, YourStory in association with Milaap announces a Twitter Chat to exchange stories about womanhood and entrepreneurship. The Twitter Chat will happen between 3pm to 4pm on 6 March, 2013.
Besides discussing questions surrounding life as a woman entrepreneur, participants will have the chance to share their own stories or nominate an inspiring woman entrepreneur for the chance to win a $25 Milaap gift card. The gift card giveaway is part of Milaap's campaign to encourage women to support other women entrepreneurs. Using the gift card, winners will be able to loan up to $25 to women entrepreneurs of their choice on the Milaap website. Those joining in the chat have to tweet using the "#women4change" hash tag to qualify for the $25 gift card.
Participants are encouraged to share stories of women entrepreneurs who are making a difference in society and helping change people’s lives. YourStory and Milaap will go through the chats and decide up to 80 of the best conversations to reward with the $25 gift card.
The Twitter chat will serve as a precursor to YourStory's event on March 7th, SheSparks, a meet-up for women in entrepreneurship and technology to share and learn from each other’s compelling stories. Register here to be part of the event.
Don’t forget to join us on 6 March, 2013, between 3pm to 4pm, and in the meantime, get the conversation going by tweeting #women4change to @Milaapdotorg or @YourStorydotin.