Honors & benefits for businesses focused on women
For the second year running, Sankalp Forum and DFID (UKAID) are offering an INR 5 lakh cash grant and an opportunity to be funded by Samriddhi Fund – a social venture fund managed by SIDBI in collaboration with DFID.
The DFID Samriddhi-Sankalp Recognition for Women Empowerment cash grant is for social enterprises that are either founded/managed by women entrepreneurs or are focused on providing solutions that improve the quality of life of women and young girls. Applications for the Recognition are open till March 23, and winners will be announced at the Sankalp Unconvention Summit – the world’s largest Social Enterprise event, on April 17, 2013.
The finalists of the recognition will receive access to strategic mentoring from sector experts, connections to other impact investors, and the opportunity to present their business to a global audience of more than 1000 delegates at the Summit.
Last year, the Recognition was jointly won by two enterprises – both at the cutting edge of innovation and need. Vindhya e-infomedia, a socio-economic venture run by a first-generation woman entrepreneur, is India’s only for-profit organization that only employs people with disabilities (PWD’s) as its production staff. The joint winner – Sukrut System’s manufactures a “Silent Observer” – a non-invasive device installed on sonography machines to check female foeticide.
More information on the DFID Samridhi-Sankalp Recognition for Women Empowerment 2013 is available on sankalpforum.com. Last date of application is March 23, 2013.
About Sankalp Forum
Sankalp Forum (www.sankalpforum.com), an Intellecap initiative, recognizes & supports innovative, sustainable, high impact social enterprises. It builds an enabling ecosystem for early-stage businesses, channels impact investments, and engages over 11,000 stakeholders globally through collaborative year-round initiatives. It has developed an involved community of entrepreneurs, investors, enablers and policy-makers to encourage innovation, facilitate scalability, and drive consensus on matters that aid social enterprise development.
Since 2009, Sankalp’s Annual Summit has been the largest social enterprise focused gathering in the world and in 2013 has partnered with Villgro’s Unconvention to become the Sankalp Unconvention Summit. The Summit brings together more than 1,000 delegates, thought leaders, industry experts, policy makers from around the world to voice, discuss, debate issues, trends and solutions that aid social enterprise development.
For more information http://sankalpforum.com/
About Department For International Development (DFID)
DFID leads the UK government’s fight against world poverty.DFID works with national and international partners to eliminate global poverty and its causes, as part of the UN ‘Millennium Development Goals’. DFID also responds to overseas emergencies. Since its creation, DFID has helped more than 250 million people lift themselves from poverty and helped 40 million more children to go to primary school.
In India DFID Focuses on the poorest people in India’s low income states Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Orissa, putting women and girls at the heart of their work, investing in girls’ education, access to finance, skills and low carbon energy, safe birth, children’s health, nutrition and sanitation. DFID believes strongly in the private sector’s potential to combat poverty through pro-poor enterprises that deliver jobs, products, infrastructure and basic services to 2 $ a day customers.For more information http://www.dfid.gov.uk/