A look at Health 2.0, Launch of 'Failure' Series, Halabol and more; SocialStory in review

Health 2.0: Healthcare in the 21st century
This week YourStory has partnered up with Health 2.0 to cover the Health 2.0 India conference this Saturday in Bangalore. Health 2.0 is a global event that is bringing together leaders from all realms of the healthcare space - from corporates, to insurance companies, to entrepreneurs - to explore the challenges and opportunities of the healthcare sector in the 21st century. As partners, Health 2.0 has given YourStory readers access to an exclusive discount, and will be giving a free ticket away to 5 of our readers. Read the rest to receive the discount code and find out how to win a free ticket.
"Let's Celebrate Failure"
Failure means something different to everyone, and it can be as small as a mismanaged project or as a large as shutting down your organization. The goal is not to hide the failures, but to learn from them. What lessons can be drawn from the mistakes or circumstances that led to the failure? Failure is something that should not be looked down upon but celebrated. To foster this spirit, SocialStory has launched the Failure Series.
Halabol: A changemaker’s platform
For all of those aspiring changemakers that never felt enough support to leap into your own initiatives, Halabol offers an avenue to realize your dreams. Halabol is an online platform that aims to bring likeminded people together for collaboration and support, offering a space to blog, initiate campaigns, sign petitions, make pledges, organize an event, and crowdfund for a project of your own. We had a discussion with Ankur Gupta, founder and CEO of Halabol, to discuss his venture and get some advice for aspiring social entrepreneurs.
Spring Health: Designing solutions for clean drinking water in rural India
Spring Health is a venture founded by Paul Polak, social enterprise guru, founder of Windhorse International, and author best known for writing Out Of Poverty. Paul brought Spring Health to India to establish a for-profit, sustainable venture that would provide inexpensive, clean drinking water to rural communities. After establishing himself in Orissa, Paul was in need of a CEO, and turned to Bangalore-based Idiom Design and Consulting, whom they were commissioning at the time for Spring Health design and branding. We sat down with Jacob Mathew, Idiom co-founder and now CEO of Spring Health, to get the story on how he used his background in design to overcome some of the major barriers he faced in the Spring Health villages.
SocialStory now in Hindi
Last week, SocialStory announced its partnership with RuralCall, an online media venture that produces all of its content in Hindi. Under the partnership, RuralCall will be translating select SocialStory posts into Hindi and posting them on their site. The collaboration with RuralCall will allow SocialStory to reach out to the Hindi reader base, many of whom might have a vested interest in what is happening in the social enterprise space.
Across the world in a solar powered tuk tuk
The must-read, must-watch social story of the past two weeks is that of Project Tejas and the Solar Tuk Tuk. After attending a presentation on the Solartaxi while working at Reva Electric,Naveen Rabelli decided to begin a solar powered journey of his own. He started Project Tejas, quit his job, recruited a team, and began work to transform an Indian tuk tuk into a fully functional solar hybrid vehicle that would take him 8,800 km from Bangalore to London. We visited Naveen’s garage to check in on the progress of the tuk tuk, and to hear his inspiring and ambitious story first hand.
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