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Intellecap announces Sankalp's 5th Edition; India’s Most Reputed Social Enterprise Awards

Friday January 18, 2013 , 4 min Read

Nominations to Sankalp Social Enterprise Awards are now open. On offer for winners are opportunities to access impact investments, and advisory & mentoring services.

The prestigious Sankalp Social Enterprise Awards are inviting nominations from high impact, early-stage social enterprises working in the following focus sectors:

  • Agriculture, Food and Rural Business
  • Clean Energy and Clean Technology
  • Education and Vocational Training
  • Health, Water and Sanitation
  • Technology for Development

Winning enterprises get the opportunity to pitch to leading impact and mainstream investors, and create access to mentoring and advisory services from sector experts. In addition, all winners will get to attend an all-expenses-paid residential boot camp at the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad.

The last date for applications is January 31, 2013. The Awards will be presented at Sankalp Unconvention Summit on April 17 – 18, 2013 in Mumbai, India. It will have in attendance over 1000 delegates from social enterprises, investment funds, academics and other market makers.

Since their inception in 2009, Sankalp Awards have sourced over 400 sustainable enterprises, enabled 200 mentoring connections and facilitated over USD 120Mn of equity investments into more than 30 enterprises. Vetted through a rigorous 3-month process by a panel of the best global investment houses, the Awards bring recognition to the most innovative and sustainable enterprises that are doing business across India.

Aparajita Agarwal, Director Initiatives at Sankalp says “We look forward to recognizing and showcasing emerging enterprises across India and helping them scale and become sustainable through Sankalp Social Enterprise Awards. Over the last four years, the Awards have been a critical tool for the parent platform – Sankalp Forum, to bring recognition to high impact businesses operating in critical sectors of healthcare, education, agriculture, technology and clean energy. Since its inception in 2009, the Sankalp Forum has successfully built an enabling environment with the support of over 50 partners, and catalyzed investments, funds, resources and services for the growth of social enterprises.”

To apply, contact +91-22-4035 9222 or email [email protected]

Or download the nomination form here.

About Intellecap

Intellecap is a pioneer in providing innovative business solutions that help build and scale profitable and sustainable enterprises dedicated to social and environmental change. Intellecap provides a broad range of Investment Banking, Consulting and Knowledge Services to clients around the world.

Our unique positioning at the intersection of social and commercial business sectors allows us to attract and nurture intellectual capital that combines the business training of the commercial world with the passion and commitment of the social world to shape distinctive solutions. Founded in 2002, we have worked with more than 60 clients on over 250 engagements across 15 countries. For more details,

About Sankalp Forum

The Sankalp Forum is an initiative of Intellecap. The Forum is a holistic ecosystem designed to catalyze impact investments into sustainable and scalable social enterprises globally. The Forum’s mission is to create an enabling platform that supports socially relevant small and medium enterprises. Sankalp provides year-round access to investment opportunities, capacity building, knowledge and crucial networks. Sankalp sponsors and supports a community of more than 11,000 participants through physical and on-line events such as the Sankalp Annual Summit, capacity building workshops, subject-matter round tables, mentoring connections, and a variety of other interactions.

In the past three years, more than two dozen Sankalp Forum enterprises have received investments and over 160 additional enterprises have been made investment-ready through mentoring and capacity building programs. The Annual Sankalp Summit 2012 had over 700 delegates, involved more than 400 Social Enterprises, 300 donors and investors and 160 policy makers, academics, corporations and other industry stakeholders. The Sankalp Forum supported 60+ Social Enterprises through capacity building workshops and investor-entrepreneur clinics in 2012, and worked closely with 20+ partner organizations. For more details,