Knowlarity Goes International; Get a Number for Your Business In More than 65 countries
Cloud Telephony is picking up in India. Knowlarity, a pioneer in the field in India started back in 2009 and since then, many players have entered the space. Often not well understood but an important area nonetheless, cloud telephony helps a business in being more efficient. It reduces the hassle and brings in automation. Knowlarity has been focusing on SMBs till now and has now started aggressively pushing in the startup area with lucrative offers for fellow startups.

Knowlarity's SuperReceptionist can help you in the following use cases:
- Not losing out on leads
- Projecting an image of a big company (numbers in various locations)
- Never change your number (even if you move the office)
- Receive calls even when not in the office
In a recent announcement, Knowlarity said that they're present in more than 65 countries now. A startup or a business can get a local number in these countries and project an image of a global company. One might feel that in the present age of globalization, shackles of location don't exist but psychologically, it always earns brownie points if you're located in the same region.
Funded by Sequoia Capital, Knowlarity generates most of the business from the unconventional means, businesses that are not tech savvy. "Our main business has been SMBs but now, we're looking to extend the benefits to startups and help them grow. We're not looking for huge profits here but we want to foster the ecosystem by making systems more efficient," says co-founder Ambarish Gupta.
More on their website.