Unmetric Launches SatisfactionMetrics; On a Mission To Turn Rabid Customers into Raving Fans

For Twitter, Unmetric adds an “@reply breakdown” to its social intelligence platform. Unmetric indexes over 5,000 of the world’s biggest brands, sorting @replies to customers in terms of the most common calls to action and responses. This allows companies to understand how their customer service strategy stacks up to their industry competitors.
This SatisfactionMetrics module examines the frequency of each strategy to expose industry-wide norms and oddities that could be used to inform brands on best practices.
To put these strategies in context, Unmetric delved into the airline sector, an industry that routinely uses social media to communicate with frustrated customers. According to the Unmetric database, Southwest Airlines is overwhelmingly apologetic in its @replies, with over 80 percent of the ‘call to action’ categorized Twitter responses being an apology of some sort. United Airlines takes a different approach, apologizing fewer than five percent of the time in the same category of tweets. Instead the airline chooses to direct customers to a link or phone number.

These new Twitter analyses are coupled with Unmetric’s Average Reply Time tracking ability, brings to light the brands tweeting fastest in response to incoming tweets, to reveal whether a company is flying or flopping at customer service on Twitter.
In addition to this SatisfactionMetrics module for Twitter, Unmetric also announces the addition of Average Reply Time to its Facebook metrics. Brands now have the ability to benchmark their Facebook response efforts against their competition by comparing how frequently and quickly they are replying versus others.
“Facebook and Twitter today serve as the public face of a company,” says Lux Narayan, co-founder and CEO of Unmetric. “When these pages are mired by poorly managed complaints, brands appear insensitive and out of touch. When met with effective strategy, even the most callous complaint can become an opportunity. We turned our attention to customer service analytics to give CMOs and social media managers the clearest understanding of how to best achieve this.”
Unmetric is already working with global brands and agencies like Subway, Campbell’s, CitiBank, MRY and the Zocalo Group, and aims to supply Fortune 500 brands with a distinct service that stops them from flying blind with their efforts on social media. The company gives brands the ability to answer the simple question of “How do we stack up against the competition?” when it comes to their social media presence.
Website: Unmetric