Startup Muvi to power MSN India's Movie Reviews
A database of movies, Muvi aggregates movie reviews from all leading critics, Twitter and Facebook. Twitter is considered to take into account public opinion and Facbook for movie reviews and interest of one’s friends and family. In a recent development, Muvi has partnered with MSN India and will power their movie reviews now.
Founded by Sanjib Parida and Anshuman Das, Muvi have been iterating on their product well over a year now [read their complete story]. Talking about the partnership, Sanjib says, "Sometime back, we got a chance to show MSN our product and they liked the idea of analyzing quality of a movie from users engagement on various aspects of the movie. MSN strives hard to give the best and the most accurate information to its users and a tool to sense the quality of a movie before users spend time and money to watch a movie. MSN understood and appreciated our laser focus on solving this problem of bringing users and movies they love together online." Adding onto this he says, "Our synergies were a perfect match where MSN was focused on providing the most accurate information to the users and we did an awesome job in our niche of movies."

MSN entertainment liked Muvi so much that if you steer your eyes towards the right in the picture, you'll see a widget powered by Muvi. Called the Muvimeter widget, the widget will show the net quality of all the movies released in the current week and the ratings change in realtime as more and more users give their verdict about the movie.
This way of analysing a move is called "high resolution engagement" at Muvi; where not only do you have an opinion about the movie, but you have a sentiment about the celebrities in it, the music, the fashion, the posters, the trailers and everything else as well. Looking at the site currently, it cleanly lists movies in a pin board layout which has worked with users. Though movie reviews is not their core focus, an easier way to look for them might strike a chord instead of going via 'view posts'. The 'Top 10' feature can definitely go a long way with their promotion efforts and is a very smart inclusion. Muvi has a good proposition, with a very good way of discovering movies and talking about them.
As a sign off note, the statistics about traction are impressive but making it dynamic would give it a different level of authenticity. Currently, they lay static at the bottom right of the page.

We wish Muvi all the best and hope that they will keep us entertained.