ShepHertz Launches Range of App42 PaaS and Cloud offerings
ShepHertz Technologies is a technology startup focusing on product development and services in the area of PaaS (Platform as aService), Cloud Computing and SaaS (Software as a Service) that was founded in 2010. Today, Shephertz announced the launch of a range of App42 PaaS and Cloud offerings for multiple domains.
ShepHertz endeavors to make App developers successful on the Cloud, irrespective of the technology or platform on which they are developing. ShepHertz allows developers to stop worrying about OS, installations, patches, security, firewalls, scalability, high availability and any server side code, be it technical or business logic. Developers can focus on their UIUX and plumbing logic and leave the cloud and data management to App42 Cloud Platform. Moving or porting from one access channel i.e. Mobile, Web, Social, TV etc. to another will be greatly reduced because of the unified approach. Shephertz access channel and technology agnostic approach covers the complete App development landscape through their native SDKs.

Shephertz App42 Product line
App42 Cloud API - 300+ Cloud API's to develop Mobile, Web, Social, SaaS, TV and Gaming Apps.
AppHawk - Cloud Project, IssueDefect Management and Collaboration.
AppWarp - Multiplayer game developers can use ShepHertz Massive Multiplayer Gaming and Virtual World platform
AppClay - Build and launch HTML5 and Android native Apps on the fly in few minutes. Zero Coding or technology knowledge required.
Their vision is to be a technology agnostic ecosystem provider and offer wide spectrum of products and tools for App developers. Developers dont have to go to other vendors for their cloud needs. App42 Cloud Platform is a One Stop Shop for developing Apps on the cloud.
App42 Product Line Overview
App42 Cloud API - The App42 Cloud API's consists of a REST based service which has a JSON and XML interface. There are around 16+ modules with over 300+ API's which will help developers to develop their applications; irrespective of the type or domain of the App they are developing. Technical as well as business services are provided by App42 Cloud API. These APIs are platform agnostic and support Windows 7, J2ME, iOS, Aondroid or HTML5 with all popular languages like Java, Groovy, PHP, Ruby, or C# which will enable easy integration of the API's into the App code. With just a few lines of code, the App developer gets access to services. From a simple to complex app can be developed using our comprehensive and powerful technical as well as business services.
AppWarp - AppWarp is a device agnostic Cloud based Massive Multiplayer Gaming and Virtual World Platform. Cloud based Massive Multiplayer Gaming and Virtual World Platform. Client side SDKs are available for all the popular platforms. This allows you to build applications that can run on any device and users on different platforms can interact with each other through your application. We provide SDKs for Android, iOS and Windows phone devices. AppWarp provides powerful client-side constructs for the application's users to interact in virtual rooms and lobbies. We provide APIs to perform operations such as joining a room, subscribing for notifications, sending chat messages etc. To aide developing application specific logic, we also provide APIs to set and retrieve custom data that can be associated with virtual rooms and online users. We have developed our own custom binary protocol to handle communication between different client devices and our cloud server. This reduces the message size and increases the throughput for the application.
AppHawk - Manage you Project users, tasks, requirements, increments, estimation, costing, documents and collaboration tools for communication and sharing information and documents. AppHawk also has got a simple but effective defectIssue Management to track, allocate and monitor your project issues. Special focus has been on Cloud Projects e.g. Manage your Cloud resources and recurring budget. You can also manage the recurring revenue and the income which you make through different AppStoresMarketPlace. AppHawk does just that, with no frills and fancies. It gives a simple intuitive interface, using which an App Developer can start managing his projects in a few minutes.
AppClay - Using AppClay anybody who does not have any knowledge about Mobile App Development can create engaging and connected HTML5 and Android Native Apps. From idea to go live it wont take just few clicks and minutes. AppClay's intuitive wizard gives and easy interface to create HTML5 and Android Mobile APPs on the fly. It supports all major mobiles in market including Windows 7, Nokia, Blackberry, Android and iPhone. It has a long feature list supporting home page, listing, audio & video media, social connect i.e. Twitter, LinkedIn, Map integration, Contact Us etc. There is absolutely no coding required to develop mobile in few minutes.
Website: Shephertz