Thisyathat - Get the Best Bet

Founded in August 2011, by two Wharton undergrads, Shiv Kapoor & Aneesh Satnaliwala and a Colgate University undergrad, Gaurav Ragtah, helps you compare prices of books available at various ecommerce sites. The genesis of this idea lies in the predicament that the founders were put into when they were looking for a not-so-widely-published book while in India during their summer vacations. They tried local stores and also ecommerce sites but all this set them in a dilemma: a multitude of sites, dozens of offers, different prices, and multiple modes of payment and delivery. “This is where we felt that we could add value by making the process of buying books much simpler and conceived the idea of ThisYaThat”, says Aneesh.
On 25th March 2012, they publicly launched the beta version of the site. Mansha Mahtani, the creative head at Thisyathat has helped design their simple and intuitive interface. “When you log on to the site, you can either search for a book or choose from one of the bestsellers listed below the search bar. This takes you to a page where we list results (prices, delivery time and payment option) from multiple ecommerce stores. Hitting the "Purchase" button on one of the stores will take you directly to that store”, says Aneesh explaining the procedure.
There have been other comparators in the market like IndiaBookStore and Koolkart but on pointing that out to Shiv on Twitter, he was quick to retort:

Thisyathat currently only compares book prices. So, are they diversifying? “We have thought of diversifying, but we want to base those decisions on feedback from our users as we grow. At this point we want to focus solely on books.” concludes Aneesh.
Check out their sleek interface here: