Call for proposal for Surya Nepal Asha Social Entrepreneurship Award
ChangeFusion Nepal announces the call for proposal for Surya Nepal Asha Social Entrepreneurship Award (SNASEA), the first ever award to recognize the Nepalese social entrepreneurs who create value for PEOPLE, PLANET and PROFIT.
Organised by ChangeFusion Nepal, supported by NBI and sponsored by Surya Nepal Private Limited, the objective of the Award is to reward and recognise ordinary people doing extraordinary work to create social, environmental and economic value. The Surya Nepal Asha Social Entrepreneurship Award (SNASEA) hopes to bring hidden heroes out to the public.The SNASEA will be a three day event (18 – 20 November 2011) to showcase the ideas and products of social entrepreneurs. Our aim will be to provide a platform for the entrepreneurs and visitors to interact, learn, share ideas and build networks. The activities of the 3 days will focus on ideas and enterprises with a social/ environmental impact. The Award will not just be a ceremony but a learning experience aimed at encouraging people to become ‘job creators’ instead of ‘job seekers’ - inspiring the youth and everyone present to pursue their ideas/ dreams.
The last day for the call for proposal is 22 September 2011 and individuals can apply or nominate deserving social entrepreneur/s. The Award is open to all Nepali residents, there is no age restriction and the selection will be based on the following criteria:Person: A track record of trustworthiness and good stakeholder relations is a precondition for eligibility. The person needs to have displayed the grit, vision and passion to succeed.Project: The project needs to be:
1. Socially / environmentally impactful: The venture should be impactful in transforming systems to tackle the causes of poverty, marginalization, and /or environmental deterioration. It should also demonstrate the potential to achieve wider social and/or environmental change.
2. Sustainable: The ventures, either non-profit or for-profit, must have an income-generation component, and show capacity to sustain themselves through their own income streams.
3. Innovative: The venture should be a new solution or approach to a social and/or environmental problem
4. Scalable: The Venture should be based on a model that can be scaled-up or reproduced by other entrepreneurs or replicated by other institutions or in other geographic areas
5. Credible: The venture should demonstrate credibility by benefitting a large proportion of society or marginalized groups and operating on the basis of do-no-harm principles and limiting negative external effects.
They will award the best ventures and give all of our applicants the opportunity to join our network and promote their products or services.
Interested candidates can apply online at: or get more information at: