Heckyl, Online Application for Real Time Financial Information, News Analytics, and Heatmaps

Heckyl, Online Application for Real Time Financial Information, News Analytics, and Heatmaps
Heckyl is an online application developed for the financial world to provide Real Time Financial Information, News Analytics, Trend Matrix and Heat maps to Get Exclusive Coverage of Markets, Companies and Businesses. Let’s learn more about Heckyl from Som Sagar, founder of Heckyl.
How did you come up with your product and the name Heckyl?
Heckyl is a bird that belongs to Raven Pack(Crow) family. It is the bird that can count numbers, differentiate between objects and when time comes can take complex decisions. Our product is in sync with Heckyl, so we came up with this name. We have worked in the financial domain and with our experience observed that the potential for an intelligent application that can bridge the gap between main street media and gazillions of other sources(Blogs, News Wire, Twitter) is huge, provided only the best information reaches the financial community along with analytics and credibility attached to it.
What is the problem you are trying to solve with Heckyl?
We’re living in the information age. We use information to plan our day-to-day strategy and activities. But the information available for every topic or request is just too huge and complicated to understand at a glance, especially if you want to make any decision or meaning out of it. It’s difficult to pin point the amount of information required to make the right decision. We live in an information overload scenario. Information that maybe important or not that important for you at that point of time is covered by the media and many sources and shown to you. Heckyl has developed its own proprietary technology that looks at 128 key parameters; most weighted are “Influence", "Intensity”, "Reputation" and “Credibility matrix” to provide solution for information discovery. Our first product caters to financial domain, where flow of information is huge, and we require “to the point” and most “accurate information“ to decide our next course of action.
Who are your target customers?
Our first set of target customers will be Hedge Funds, Private Equities and Financial Institutions that will benefit immensely by our news analytics platform tailored for financial domain. Of late we are getting lot of queries from media companies, Insurance sector and Manufacturing companies; to work with them closely as they think our technology can be businesses flip to their companies.
What are the challenges you have faced till now?
The biggest challenge we’ve faced till now is “Exclusivity”, few companies to whom we have spoken to and shown our applications want exclusivity. Even for doing a Pilot they want a commitment for a long duration to limit services to them. On the Flip side we are facing challenges in sales and marketing department, we need people with contacts in the hedge fund and Private Equity industry, so that we can reach out to them with the offering. Recruiting right talent is again a head wind that we are facing. As an Analytics Company we need smart and hungry people around us. We are looking for smart guys, who have the ability to get into our shoes, and carry the passion that we have for Heckyl.
Where do you see Heckyl 2 to 3 years from now?
As you know, Heckyl’s primary engine is: Trend analytics, News Mining, Sentiment Analysis using IIRC (Influence, Intensity, Reputation and Credibility Matrix), and we are focused on Financial Industry.
Moving ahead you can use the same engine with some tweaking and training in other domains as well, so we know market is huge, but we are more inclined in executing the stuff for one industry. So I will say Future looks very bright, let’s execute it.
For more details please visit http://heckyl.com/home What do you think about this startup story? Do share your feedback by writing to us at [email protected]