Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, lessons from the Poster Boys of the new "India Startup Story"

Much has been written, discussed and mentioned about Flipkart and the men at helm Sachin and Binny Bansal. Being a close observer of the entrepreneurs, it is but natural that i decided to meet them in person last week.FlipKart office reminded me of my own corporate days, a big office with a catchy branding outside the building (those in Bangalore cannot miss to see Flipkart sign on one of the buildings while crossing Koramangla) the only difference being that this one is not an old and established set up but a a brand new one built by two young IITans from bottoms up. If you enter Flipkart, you will know what i am talking about when i say it gives a feel of positive energy and action and ofcourse one can smell the growth :)
While i was waiting at reception, Sachin came and ushered me into his conference room and Binny soon joined in and then we got talking.One thing that distinctly came across was the humility and complete self effacing nature of both these entrepreneurs. Let me share some excerpts of the conversation that made an impact on me. The duo were clear on one thing - growth depends on many factors but two things they consider as crucial -
1. "Along the way we have learnt to say "NO", we cannot be saying yes to every opportunity or every offer that comes our way. It is difficult to turn down a proposition but we have learnt to do so.Staying focused on our core plan and values have steered us ahead and we want to continue doing that. In the process we might not come across as agreeable to some but that does not deter us to deviate."
2. "We as individuals and as a company are primarily Customer centric and Customer focussed, if you ask us the essence of Flipkart it is our Customer and his /her satisfaction. We want to delight them every time and all the time. So at this point we cleatly maintain there is no other area to focus for us but our Customers. Thats what drives us and gives meaning to everything"
Meaningful indeed. Its a good food for thought for all of us and many young people planning to launch their ventures. While many among us concentrate on Investors ( a necessity indeed) I feel if one focuses on Customer, investors and others will automatically come in.
As a startup multiple opportunities come our way, especially in the very early stage when cash flow is a challenge, do we go for the various opportunities or continue to focus on what we plan to build.? There is no one answer to this but definitely staying on one course is more productive then embracing all the options. "No" is a very difficult word and more so in our culture where people quickly tend to take offense. But a No which makes your business and customer say YES is worth the while.
Do let me know your thoughts as I think about my strategy :)
A detailed interview of the Flipkart entrepreneurs will soon follow.
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