Social Event, Social Entrepreneurs, Sociopreneurship 2010, at the end it was Social

Finally i have risen from the event hangover and ready to pen our sincere thanks, which should have been done last night itself.Honestly I was apprehensive about Social entrepreneurship event, first because November is the month of events, second Sociopreneurship 2010 was on a Tuesday, third already famous social entrepreneurs were facilitated a week back in multiple events etc etc.
Nevertheless i am very delighted by the event and everyone around me. Always I thank everyone first and then my team but this time let me begin with my wonderful team. Sriram and Amrita (she is a friend) you were brilliant hosts, Samridhi i couldn't have done pretty much anything without you, Akash you were miles away but glued to the computer for updates to upload and you know it means so much, Karma my urgent is understood by you like nobody else:) Venkatesh, you are one of your kind:) all our ambitions see light of the day because of your pen and persistence. Praanesh, good job, see I have said it. Anand and Bharat, silently you shouldered the stress and work and captured every moment. Gauravjeet you are my star always.
Moving ahead, let me thank all our partners and supporters - InRev - you guys did make it more viral than i could expect, NetSurf Communications for supporting us since the idea was born, British Council for all the support, I for one know that Rwituja Gomes has been travelling quite abit and then to fly down for this event means alot. Vikash from Microfinance news and the list is unending, i know i am missing so many, please excuse and remind me to mention in the post.
Thank you to all the panelists and speakers - Ramesh Ramnath for his candid and meaningful insights from an entrepreneurs perspective, Rahul Bedi from Intel, who again made a conscious decision to spend time with social entrepreneurs and reach out to everyone who wanted to speak and connect, Geeta from Dell Foundation who was ready to support social entrepreneurs and it did come out in the way she communicated, Abhijit Ray from Unitus Capital, a real support and pillar from the very beginning, Ganesh Rengaswamy from Lok Capital was as brilliant in his insight as his honest observations, NS Ramnath from Forbes India for being a gem and helping us in the last moment, Alok Mittal from Canaan Partners who can always be relied on to bring intelligence and real meaning to a panel and jury, Kanwaljit Singh from Helion, for being the entrepreneurs' VC, his approach and ability to help is inimitable, Sandeep Farias, Elevar Equity, for bringing super energy and meaning to the event,Solomon from Ashoka for his practical insights, Eric Savage for being the real champion of Social entrepreneurs.
What can i say for Shereen Bhan? She is the best, her energy, brilliance overshadows everything and i heavily count on her for any possible mishap that i can cause :)
Saugat and Shruti, thank you for coordinating the Young Turks shoot seamlessly and helping out throughout.
Entrepreneurs make YourStory and they did make Sociopreneurship 2010 what it was, a big applause to the stars of the day -
Now let me thank someone who made this all possible for us – Dr.Tara Thiagarajan, Chairperson, Madura Microfinance, all our efforts culminated into a reality because of her. I can not thank her enough.It means a lot when people just not say in words that we encourage and support your efforts, entrepreneurs, startups etc but get down to actually supporting. Dr.Tara, thank you so much for believing in the vision of Sociopreneurship 2010.
I am sure the disorganized person that I am, must have missed half the names, sincere apologies and you know it will prompt me to write the next article.
Thank you all.