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Open Innovation in India

Wednesday March 04, 2009 , 1 min Read

Close on the heels of Shivam’s post on the open innovation tool, Innocentive, I am excited to write about the Open Innovation Portal, backed the Centre of Excellence in E-governance at Indian Institute of Technology (Delhi), along with Sun Microsystems and Knowledge Commons.

One very important point to note in the list of objectives on their site

An individual with an innovative idea or concept may want people to know about this idea. The idea may not even be scientific in nature and may be about a process improvement or even better usage of existing assets.

This is one point that I had stressed on in an earlier post on this blog – that innovation need not necessarily mean high technology. There are enough avenues to innovate in terms of processes or extend existing innovations and that “starting from scratch” is not always advisable. TC-I readers and potential users of the portal, do ensure that you read the Code of Conduct on the site.

PS: I already see 3 entries on the portal!