Deepak, Abhinav, Ashwin,Hisam, Founders, Innoz Technologies

Innovations at your fingertips!!!
INNOZ: A rare breed of young minds addicted to innovation.
Ever came across this word in Oxford Dictionary? Don’t worry. The young and innovative bunch of young entrepreneurs behind Innoz who have dreamt this dream of getting their name in the Oxford Dictionary are growing stupendously to make it a reality.
Representing India among the 16 finalists for the DFJ-CISCO Global Business Comp’2009, being the Finalist at Economic Times-Power of Ideas’2009,
Getting Funded & Incubated by iAccelerator IIM-Ahmedabad and being a Top Ranker in TATA-NEN Hottest Startups’2008, these are few achievements of this very new and enterprising firm in India, achievements which even oldest setups would vie for.
Innoz technology is an innovative & exciting mobile VAS company which was
co-founded by Deepak, Abhinav, Hisam & Ashwin, while studying engineering at LBS College of Engineering, Kasaragod. While Deepak already had a web startup called “ Swades solution” , it was the bent towards application development of Abhinav and Ashwin and the creative senses of Hisam that completed the highly spirited team of Innoz.

There have been various innovative ventures leveraging the power of Mobile, but this one is a breakthrough. It answers our basic appetite for knowledge through a medium we are very addicted to, “SMS”. SMSgyan is the first product by Innoz and it already has a huge user base!!! How does it really work? “In our day to day life we come across so many words or facts we have little or no idea about and would love to know more at that particular time. So here is where SMSgyan comes into the scene. SMSgyan brings all the knowledge and information at your fingertips in the form of an sms as a response to your query. So the key to success is in your pocket. We deliver upto a max. Of 500 characters results giving users the full value for money” Deepak explains.
Being one of the first student start up in India, it was quite a challenge for the team to manage both studies and work in the beginning. But as they say “Where there’s a will there’s a way”, help came from all the sides for these determined kids. “Shifting gears between studies and work wasn’t easy in the beginning, but our principal, department head and teachers helped us a lot. We have been lucky to be associated with Technopark, Kerala which has provided us the best working environment and guidance in all possible ways. Our college has given us space to work and is helping us to grow more”
The enormous growth in the Indian telecom industry is one of the reasons Innoz has been focusing on this field. Deepak shares with us his future plans to leverage the opportunity. “It’s the fastest growing in the world and India is projected to become second largest telecom market globally by 2010. The mobile VAS market has grown by around 60 percent year on year and is estimated to touch INR 251 billion in FY 2009-10. Our soon to be launched product TRANZ is also mobile based. It’s a file sharing application to transfer photos, videos, music & docs with your friends through mobile. Tranz lets you know about what’s new inside your friends mobile & shout about them. With telecom operators and handset vendors predicting their future success on data-enabled services, we are soon about to get an expressway that will fulfil our present and future need for serving mobile users. The aim is a billion dollar company in five years.”
“Dream big and do whatever it takes to realize your dreams’ is what motivates the Innoz team. They say “The days are gone when u only reach the sky. We the young entrepreneurs at Innoz dare to dream big and are anything but satisfied with just reaching the sky. We aim for the stars and dare to reach there.” With dreams aiming stars, the current focus of Innoz is on Mobile, web and New Media.
The team is very humble to recognize they are very young to be giving advices but then wisdom doesn’t come with age so here they share few words …
“Entrepreneurship is a rising phenomenon in India and requires players to take advantage of it. Never wait for the right time because so much is happening in the world. The most important factor is your dream which will always be your biggest inspiration. It is not easy to mix student life and business but it is definitely not impossible. Always have the desire to learn because whether you fail or succeed the learning process never ends.”
It’s heartening to share story of such young talents in India with all Yourstory readers. We wish the Innoz team success in all their future endeavours.