ISTE Conference and Student Essay Competition on Rural Technology
From Let Me Know, here is a conference and essay competition on “Technology For Rural India: Challenges and Perspectives.” The conference will focus on the following:
In celebration of the ISTE Day 2008, the Delhi Section of the Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE) is hosting a conference on “Technology for Rural India: Challenges and Perspectives”. The conference will focus on strategic technological development and research on problems specific to rural India. The event is targeted to educationists, researchers and students and will include technical sessions, invited lectures, special workshops, interactive sessions and student activities.
Also, the student essay competition will ask them to write on a specific problem in no more than six pages that affects rural India and a well-defined technnlogical solution for that problem. More information can be found on the website.
Here are some important dates.
Key Dates:
Deadline for:
1. Registration: May 15, 2008
2. Initial Submission of papers: April 30, 2008
3. Final Submission (After Acceptance of Initial Paper): May 15, 2008
4. Postal Submission of Student Essays: April 30, 2008
Conference Dates: May 31-June 1, 2008