Amartya Sen encapsulates why we should care
One of the ongoing discussions that is linked ot the field of social entrepreneurship is the very nature of what this concept truly means. In a talk held at Stanford University this week, Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen eloquently and concisely spoke to the issues of empowerment and enlightenment, and I feel as though his words form a great basis for our own conceptualization of our purposes here.
1- If you feel threatened it makes intelligent discourse impossible
2- For creating a just society: Empowerment is not enough. You must to ensure “enlightened empowerment” which can only come from public discussion and giving a political voice (to those who are not being heard)
3 – Recognition (or fame) can useful unless it becomes a substitute for doing anything useful
These points were summarized by Neerja Raman on Digital Provide: From Good to Gold.